2018年4月6日-7日,2018年中国留美经济学会(CES)北美会议在佐治亚大学商学院(Terry College of Business,University of Georgia)举行,会议主题为“Regulatory Impact Analysis: Methods, Applications, and Implications for Emerging Economies”。
王雪,2015级金融学博士研究生,论文题目:China Sector Indexes Yield Information Spillover Effect Research : the Application of DAG-SEM Model and Spillover Index.
邓洁,2016级公司金融博士研究生,论文题目Does Board Gender Diversity Affect Corporate Payout Policy: Evidence around the World.
叶显,2016级金融学博士研究生,论文题目:Does Dialectal Homology Matter for Firm Innovation?
莫斌,2017级金融学博士研究生,论文题目:Return and volatility linkages between global oil market and commodity sectors in China with portfolio implications.
冯启迪,2016级金融学硕士研究生,论文题目:Visiting The Economic Policy Uncertainty Shocks-Economic Growth Relationship: Wavelet-based Granger-causality in Quantiles Approach.
聂禾,2016级金融学硕士研究生,论文题目:Dependence structure and risk spillovers between oil and stock markets from BRICS countries.
阮伟华,2017级国际贸易学硕士研究生,论文题目:Policy uncertainty and FDI: Evidence from national election.