


经济学系列 Seminar 第235期

主题: Pollution Regulation and Firm Productivity Growth

主讲人: 陈滢


地点: tyc1286太阳成集团(中惠楼)207室



This study explores the effect of air pollution regulation on industrial firm productivity. In particular, it investigates the effects of controls on the exogenous variation in sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in the context of China’s Two Control Zones (TCZ) policy, which was implemented in 1998. We compile a large panel of geolocated industrial firms, detailed county-level characteristics, and a rich set of geospatial information derived from satellite data for the analysis. Our identification strategy uses the instrumental variable of local suitability for engineering-based power plants in the first-differencing setup as a means to improve the comparability of growth trends between the treatment and control groups. The findings show that this regulation has substantially lowered the growth of firm-level total factor productivity, and our estimated adverse effects are greater than previous findings in the existing literature.



陈滢,厦门大学tyc1286太阳成集团、王亚南经济研究院助理教授、硕士研究生导师。主要研究领域为城市经济学。本科毕业于美国常青藤布朗大学,博士毕业于英国伦敦政治tyc1286太阳成集团,师从城市经济学奠基人Vernon Henderson教授。曾先后在世界银行、宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院、及英国国家政府国际发展司担任咨询师及研究员职务,开展多个城市经济发展相关研究课题。研究成果发表于国际顶级期刊《Journal of Urban Economics》,并担任多个相关期刊匿名审稿人。