


    主题:The Salience of Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Online Business






    We explore psychological biases underlying the decision to become an entrepreneur in the online business context. Using entrepreneurs affiliated with Taobao Marketplace, the world’s largest online shopping platform, as our sample, we find that people who observe the emergence of successful stores in their neighborhood are more likely to become online entrepreneurs. Relying on the Taobao store rating system and detailed geographical information for identification, we find that in rural areas of China, an increase in the online rating (upgrade event) of a store leads to a significant increase in the number of new stores within a 0.5-km radius. This effect increases with the magnitude of the upgrade event, decreases with physical distance from the focal store and is robust to a wide range of rigorous model specifications.  Our results lend support to salience theories of choice and cannot be fully explained by rational learning or other regional confounders.


黄毅,复旦大学金融学教授,于 2021  10 月加入复旦大学;他曾任瑞士日内瓦高级国际关系及发展学院Pictet Chair in Finance and Development讲席副教授,是世界经济论坛World Economic Forum全球议程理事会、欧洲经济政策研究中心CEPR和亚洲经济金融研究局(ABFER)成员。曾任国际货币基金组织IMF研究部经济学家;国际清算银行(BIS)、联邦储备银行全球化与货币政策中心、香港金管局金融研究中心、北京大学数字金融研究中心和罗汉堂研究员; 他还在麻省理工学院、帝国理工大学商学院、伦敦政治tyc1286太阳成集团、长江商学院学术访问并客座讲授高层管理人员课程。

围绕国际宏观经济和金融学、数字经济与金融科技和中国经济的前沿问题,他主要研究全球宏观政策与金融体系、数字技术创新与企业家商业实践。文章主要发表于Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Management Science 等国际期刊。曾获得亚洲金融学会最佳论文、中国国际金融学年会最佳论文、首届金融科技研究尖峰奖和先锋奖。还曾获得瑞士国家自然科学基金和香港研究资助局重大项目研究资助。