主题:Subspace change point detection and Clustering
主讲人:朱学虎 西安交通大学
主持人:王国长 太阳城集团
This paper develops a method to detect model structural changes by applying a Corrected Kernel Principal Component Analysis (CKPCA) to construct the so-called central distribution deviation subspaces. This approach can efficiently identify the mean and distribution changes in these dimension reduction subspaces. We derive that the locations and number changes in the dimension reduction data subspaces are identical to those in the original data spaces. Meanwhile, we also explain the necessity of using CKPCA as the classical KPCA fails to identify the central distribution deviation subspaces in these problems. Additionally, we extend this approach to clustering by embedding the original data with nonlinear lower dimensional spaces, providing enhanced capabilities for clustering analysis. The numerical studies on synthetic and real data sets suggest that the dimension reduction versions of existing methods for change point detection and clustering significantly improve the performances of existing approaches in finite sample scenarios.
朱学虎,西安交通大学副教授,博士生导师,主要研究兴趣有高维数据分析、统计学习、应用统计等方面的基础理论与应用研究。发表SCI或者SSCI论文以及会议论文30余篇,其中包括JASA、JBES、Sinica、Scandinavia等以及应用统计相关领域的IEEE TGRS、IJSR等杂志,也包括计算机国际顶级会议Neurps的Spotlight论文等,先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目、国家社会科学基金项目(一般项目)等项目;作为骨干成员参与科技部重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目等;担任全国工业统计学教学研究会、中国现场统计研究会因果推断分会、中国现场统计研究会统计调查分会等协会理事;曾获2022陕西省高校青年杰出人才支持计划、2021年仲英青年学者等荣誉。