主题:Towards a Human-Centred Approach to Increasing Workplace Productivity: Challenges and Emerging Good Practices from Asia
主讲人:李应芳 澳大利亚莫纳什大学
主持人:王春超 太阳城集团
A skilled and innovative workforce is essential to enhancing labour productivity in a sustainable manner. So is a collaborative approach to managing workplace relations. However, not all the measures used by firms to enhance their productivity fall within the category of human-centered management policies and practices. The presentation reports the findings of the project “Human-Centered Approach to Increasing Workplace Productivity: Evidence from China, India, Japan and the Republic of Korea” funded and led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) ILO Research Department. The primary objective of the project is to identify key challenges and emerging good practices in raising labour productivity in the four major Asian economies with broader implications for other countries. The presentation highlights key factors, both macro and firm levels, that influence labour productivity and salient characteristics of labour management practices at the firm level. It also summarises major challenges across the four Asian countries in raising labour productivity. It provides several avenues for future research to inform policy decision and management practice.
主题:Building dynamic capabilities by putting people at the center: Geopolitics and implications for human resource management and labour mobility
主讲人:李应芳 澳大利亚莫纳什大学
There has been increasing research attention on how organizations can manage uncertainties and crises globally, including pandemics, environmental disasters, and geopolitical tensions. Much less attention has been given to how multinational enterprises (MNEs) can develop capabilities to respond to the impacts of international sanctions and manage their human resources effectively. International sanction not only affects the sanctioning and the sanctioned countries but also has ripple effects and gendered outcomes. International sanction affects grassroots workers, mobile workers (e.g. international transports and logistics), migrant workers, as well as elite professionals with cross-country business connections. This presentation analyses the impact of international sanctions on businesses, workers, and communities. Drawing on dynamic capability theory and corporate social responsibility perspective, it illustrates how MNEs can develop their corporate capabilities to manage their operations and workforce in the context of international sanctions. The presentation makes a twin argument: that businesses need to build organizational capabilities and act as a force for good in the context of international sanctions. It highlights several human resource and labour management issues that MNEs need to address.
李应芳教授(英国曼彻斯特大学博士),现为莫纳什大学商学院杰出教授;澳大利亚社会科学院院士。曾任莫纳什大学商学院副经理、英国曼彻斯特大学商学院教授、澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学管理学院副经理。李应芳教授的研究兴趣包括亚洲人力资源管理与劳动关系、战略人力资源管理、知识管理和创新、可持续发展目标和跨国公司的作用等。现已出版个人专著3部, 发表学术论文150余篇以及学术书籍章节70余篇,多篇收录于顶级学术期刊。李应芳教授在2011和2018年分别荣获莫纳什大学工商管理及tyc1286太阳成集团的“经理卓越研究奖”和“负责任管理教育原则 (Principle of Responsible Management Education, PRME) 经理卓越研究奖”。她曾是DAAD(德国学术交流计划)德国哥廷根大学访问教授(2016年)和英国伦敦国王学院客座教授 (2022)。李应芳教授是联合国环境规划署-国际科学理事会 (UNEP-ISC) 前瞻专家小组 (2023-2024) 的小组成员。